Living Life to the Full
The loss of Shane Warne and his passion for life has been felt far beyond the cricketing world of Australia. He was one of the last few legends to live life on his terms, fully and unashamedly, demonstrating the extremes of cutting-edge living.
How refreshing to have someone blatantly demonstrating what it is to really live. To follow your passion for a sport and take that same level of vibrancy off the pitch into the party. I doubt he would have been accepted by the current cricketing authorities, “just too much” to represent the old school sport, let alone his country.
Everyone has become so serious, monotonous plain vanilla, no room for upset or being politically incorrect. Warney was a true disruptor of the sporting world, dispelling the myths that sombre dedication is required. Rather, he bared his approach to life for all to see, even if he made headlines he would rather sweep under the carpet.
This world desperately needs people to remind us of what it is to live fully – on and off the court. To inspire people with infectious grins and laughs, not to be afraid to offend, to speak his mind and live his truth.
The current landscape in all arenas has become so boringly neutral, anyone who dares step out of line simply through their self-expression is quickly cut down to size, dismissed or eliminated. It’s no wonder depression is on the rise, people are scared to be themselves in case they are not accepted.
Which, of course, is victim mentality, trained to believe we must be liked by most so as to value ourselves. Humanity was designed with variance, so why are we “made wrong” to show up with the true nature of our self-expression. One that is not suppressed by the norm, society’s unspoken acceptability limits of morality.
He was not disliked for scathing others, bullying behaviour or other traits that may fall below the moral compass. Shane Warne was simply held in disdain by those who could not tolerate his self-confidence, his influential team-building capacity and his extremes of living, in and out of the limelight.
“He was an Australian larrikin, a commodity as rare in our clean, tidy, rule-obsessed world as a big fat juicy bleeding steak on a vegetarian’s dinner plate. Alas, we’re all vegetarians now. But Warnie reminded us that there was a time when we were not”.
Janet Albrechtsen, The Australian
Many of the most brilliant people have excesses; their complexity and unpredictability is a challenge for the staid who will not step outside the structure of society. The paradox of boundaries in the cricketing arena – aim for six but dare not cross the line of unacceptable behaviour.
It is becoming harder to name people who display their genius and live from their virtuosity. Such disruptors are utterly dedicated to what to experience and create, they care not for what stands in their way.
They will always find a way around, off creating their own worlds with like-minded smarts. Why scramble uphill in this world of dominating control, legislation and inflexible structure? The world is governed by vanilla personalities unwilling to embrace radical change and the emergence of a vibrant future.
It is the disruptive thought processes and behaviours which give reminders of how to revolutionise humanity. The personalities that will shine bright, do what it takes to be a centre of excellence, no matter what.
Are you teaching your children to follow their dreams and passions, or are you dumbing them down, limiting their creativity and individualism, all for the sake of being polite, normal and acceptable? When did you give up on your aspirations, to join the ranks of Groundhog Day?
Which sportsman, entrepreneur, musician, chef, writer inspired you as a kid to be bigger than you are now? It’s why we need to witness such abilities of the creatives in all our lives, to feel the passion of dedication as a reminder of why we are here.
The world is waiting for the disruptors. For someone to permit us to be ourselves, to birth our greatest visions, to change the face of life once more. We must move out of the suffocation of genius into the freedom of ultimate authenticity. How about you just give yourself permission, or rather, fly off your precipice of fear and do it anyway?
If you know this is you, then stand up, define the corner of your world you wish to flip on its head start making the difference. Without giving a flying fig to what people think of you, of what’s acceptable and out the prison mentality of false illusion. It has to start with you, eliminating all you conceive is not possible, encode your genius and fly free. It’s what you came here to do.
Even in his death, Warne still reminds us of how important it is to really live, as only he could. Do not be afraid to bring the light and dark to the world, otherwise, we are dimmed to a weak flicker of light of a new possibility. Shine bright and bold, illuminate the world, be your version of disruption in a landscape of blandness. We need more Warney’s.
Josephine Sorciere morphs visionaries into disruptors, encoding the emerging future of brilliance. Those who know they are to change the face of their niche yet seek the key for ignition of genius recognise when the message is for them.