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living a full life


Summer Solstice today marks a year since I heard the guidance – “go to England and write a book of your many adventures”. So that's what I did. Exactly a year later, I settled into my new home this week. The circle is complete. It's...

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Russell Brand quote

Russell Brand is a Media Threat

Mainstream media is not a judge and jury. They are profit-driven outlets that tell stories that sell, whether factual and truthful or not. Deeply threatened by the Independent Media companies and voices experiencing exponential growth and followers. MSM will do what it takes to silence...

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The only freedom you really seek is from your own mind. All the time, money, love and career can never give you the ultimate escape. When you say you want freedom, you must be prepared to die the death to your human construct. All those illusionary...

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The Theatre of Art in The Gateway

The final part of the trilogy, to discover the place within The Gateway. Introducing the Theatre of Art, a place where you get to immerse and try on the new frequencies for size. Join Josephine and walk the wheel of exploration of your higher self. 2023...

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Triality timeline and Goddess asteroids

Move over duality, the frequency of triality is here. No more us and them, it is time for balance, and for consciousness to witness itself into being. You must also be the observer. Expand your horizons into the planetary elements which make up your Blueprint,...

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DNA Blueprint - roadmap to potential

DNA Blueprint

The roadmap to your potential Discover the systems which help define your DNA blueprint, and how it can help you identify your potential by moving through the areas of the greatest growth. Become curious about the 64 facets of personality, and which ones may be...

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2023 The Year of the Rabbit

Discover the energies at play for the coming 12 months. It is a Universal year of seven, the Year of the Rabbit in 2023. it is time to go within and expand a deeper relationship with the Universe. Ignite your innate wisdom and unique codes...

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