Email *
Date of birth DD/MM/YYYY *
full birth name / full name now (only if changed) *
City, Country you reside in *
What do you currently do for a living? *
How long have you been looking for answers to what you are really here for - your awakening? *
What is prompting you now - the time of your life, what's happening in the world? *
In what areas of your life are you STUCK and/or BORED? How long have you felt like this, and what self development or healing work have you done to try to shift it? Why do you think it didn't provide all the answers? *
What's the one relationship in your life that caused / causes the most frustration, hurt, resentment, anxiety? Was/is it the same relationship that also brings you the most security, love, happiness and comfort? Why do you think you have these extremes and what have you done to shift the relationship? *
What's the one thing you are terrified of not happening for you, or you don't step up and claim, in this lifetime? Have you shared your fears and thoughts with others, or is it your deep dark secret? Who would you be if this 'thing' did happen for you, and how would your life shift? *
What's your best understanding of why you haven't found what you are looking for? *
The Initiation is a profound transformation session in its own right. After the Initiation, I may invite you to work further with me. If I do, its because you show me a soul-felt longing for the deepest transformation, power and freedom, escaping the illusions of your life. Are you open to seeing what this looks like? *
Are you utterly committed to do whatever it takes, not matter what? IS that you, and how do you know? To what extent are you willing to give up playing small, and BE your Genius instead?
What are you most dreading to hear you may have to do or not do in order to live fully through your Unique Expression? *