Karma: Creating a new Blueprint for your life
You have multiple layers of karma – all containing transformational potential.
The imprints have been encoded all through your life and your past lives. In all forms, dimensions and realities. You are also coded with ancestral and collective karma.
It is time for the dissolution of ancient traits which still haunt you. The inherited hidden programming is ready to be consciously rewritten.
There is so much power in revelation and transmutation. Take your awakening and coding to new levels of expansion without the restrictions of unseen past hindrances.
Learn the fundamental truths about Karma through a synopsis of the most powerful book written by a Yogi on the subject. It will explain from a new (yet ancient) perspective why my clearing through Portalism is so essential for liberation.
Yes, you can take the path of waiting for something to arise, investigating and doing the alchemy. Yet if you have not spotted it by now, will you??
Or we can cut straight to the point through the revelation of your top Karmic contracts ready to be ended in this lifetime. You know the power of the Truth, which has most likely remained elusive until now.
This new focused container is only available to Initiates who have experienced the power of transmutation in the Quantum.
Karmic Dissolution is delivered over six weeks, 1-1 time with me.
What’s included :
*Week One – IDENTIFICATION: 90 minutes of wisdom and encoding. Discover the fundamental root causes of karmic blocks from your ancestors and lifetimes – dissolution and transmutation
*Week 3 : CHECK IN: 45 minute chat on what has surfaced, transmuted, shifted in your life and awareness
*Week 5: DEEPER REVELATION: 90 minutes of wisdom and encoding. Time to peel the next layer of the onion to reveal what needs dissolution and shifting.
*Synopsis of Karma book to gain deeper insight into the philosophies and wisdom contained across lifetimes – of yours, your ancestors and the collective
*videos of wisdom teaching which will arise as we progress and questions surface for deeper exploration.
*written access to me via previous platform used or spoken via Voxxer for communication between sessions on what arises, specifically regarding the Karmic clearance.
Your investment for Karmic Dissolution is US$1890
Times to be mutually arranged, payment to Wise or AU bank account
(Credit card available, with 5% surcharge).
It IS the key to the next level of your evolvement. I have personally experienced a huge release whilst working on my own karma and familial patterns, including Inner Family work, over the past six weeks. I can now apply the same principles to your own life.
Limited Spots are available for the rest of 2022.
For those currently working with me, this can be added on at the end of your current curriculum.