Planets Drive Momentum

Planets Drive Momentum

Are you ready and willing to embrace the full momentum of all planets in direct motion right now? we have until April 29th to harness the cosmic tailwind and exponentially move forward. In your own life, in the collective consciousness, as well as the crazy world of events we live in.

The truths and revelations will come tumbling forth, the snowball has been pushed. it has been gathering momentum on a downhill slide, collecting the awakened as it spins. The energies are palpable, frequencies are ready. the burning question is, how will humanity react?

If more focus was given to the bigger picture, the worlds beyond this world, the meaning of it all and of life itself, space would open up in all senses of the word. The chances are if you are reading this, consideration to these factors is never far from your mind. So how can you take it further right now?

If you have been sitting on the fence, waiting to see how things pan out, now is the time to hop off, don your Grown-Up Pants and take giant strides into the realms of the unknown, simply following your heart towards your deepest desires. To create your life as the artist you are.

I really felt the shift arrive on 02/02/2022. (Yes, I am a little obsessed with number coding since writing the books). I have enjoyed low key time for the past eight weeks for study, reading, downloads and deciphering. With my children starting high school on that day, I’m more than ready to open my energetic pathways once more to the next chapter of this life.

I have committed to spend the next six months morphing my offerings towards those truly ready to do whatever it takes to enter the Inner Sanctum of my Coven. The Dark Disruptors, influencers and public profiles questioning “what more is there?” and terrified of anyone finding out. I work with the highest calibre within the Dark Luxurious World; the co-creation will be out of this world. Literally.

Previous clients have asked to book in, not knowing I only “reopened” yesterday. When you master switching the Tone of Attention on and off, it’s like a tap. Add to the mix eight planets all energetically helping you to move swiftly along, why would you not ride the waves?

Perhaps you’re still floundering over why you are stuck. Stuck in life, stuck in fear, in procrastination, in your relationships and above all, questioning the path of life you are on. If you are truly hungry to breakthrough, ready to see the illusions which hold you hostage in your life and to witness the truth disseminating your human construct, then it’s time for Initiation.

End the linear, micro-steps of healing, forever on the treadmill wondering when it will ever end. Release yourself from chasing your tail, grasp hold of the spiral of life, and have it lead you back to who you really are. I hold the key to unlock your own mystery, it is up to you if you are prepared to dive deep and claim it.

The first tier Initiations will not be around for long I feel as I move towards my Sanctuary. I invite you to get serious and consider your life ahead. Grab the cosmic wind while you can, ignite your own sails, steer your ship in the direction of your legacy and let’s get started.

Welcome to my Coven. When your heart calls you home, secure your Initiation, ready for the next chapter of your life.