How clear are you about your superpower?

own your magic

How clear are you about your superpower?

I’ve been working for 4 months now on my brand, persona and authority, expanding into the fullness of my genius. this comes after dedicating 16 years to self exploration. You would think I had it nailed by now…

Never. I am a constant evolving piece of art, fine tuning the elegance as I rid myself of traits that once upon a time I called the essential elements of me.

Doing this means I expose and own my magic.

What I can do that no one else can.

I’ve recently been playing in the Akashic field, calling forward past lives of my clients and merging the Soul elements so the magic of that lifetime can be experienced in this one.

Clearing the contracts that have lay dormant for centuries, so your Soul’s innate super power can be birthed once again.

I have renewed the soul contracts between witches. Which means mothers can now birth their daughters as promised 400 years or more ago.

If you should happen to find anyone else doing this kind of magic, kindly let me know.

If not, you know where to find me 🖤